See also the changelog for the scripts here. Except as noted, all changes also apply to the SVWD06 Android native display style.
Mud, scree, heath, scrube etc. are now shown at a wider range of zoom levels,
Moved “park area size extract at zoom” logic from “svwd01” style to the “sve01” extract code. Lots of power infrastrucure is now shown at a range of zoom levels also based on way_area.
Change layer name to reflect how historic
is now
extracted. Education and hospitals in the land1
layer are
now shown at whatever zoom level it was extracted at (8-14). Names will
be shown if extracted. Also retail, construction, brownfield, landfill,
orchard, vineyard.
Farmland, farmgrass, farmyard, forest, grass, meadow and residential
in the land1
layer (which is most of it) is now shown at
whatever zoom level it was extracted at (8-14). Names will be shown if
Moved “water area size extract at zoom” logic from “svwd01” style to
the “sve01” extract code and adjusted zoom levels to make zoom 8 and 9
tiles smaller. Also industrial
, commercial
, and various sand. Small
military areas are no longer all extracted at vector zoom 6 with names
shown from 11+. The range is now 7-14 for both. Woodland in the
layer (which is most of it) is now shown at whatever
zoom level it was extracted at (8-14). Names will be shown if extracted
(large, <=14) or based on way_area (small. >15).
Moved “island size extract at zoom” logic from “svwd01” style to the
“sve01” extract code for zooms between 6 and 13. Higher zoom levels are
extracted at zoom level 14, and the decision to display is in the style
.json. Also similarly handled the extract for
, landuse=village_grean
and leisure=nature_reseerve
Display place=sea
at zoom level 8. Treat
as farmgrass
rather than
Fixed bugs that were suppressing the display of palaeolontological sites. Changed colour of the name associated with picnic sites from blue to light brown. Fixed bugs that were suppressing the display of eco health food shops. Show names of linear piers and groynes.
The svwd01
(web vector) and svwd06
(designed for Android Native) map styles shown at now use
names in Welsh or Scots Gaelic where that language is more commonly
used, in the same way that the equivalent raster maps do.
Display ref
along with
Show bus guideway bridges in a nicer style (with parallel “parapets”). Change bus guideway bridge colours to be the same as regular bus guideways.
Display wetland=swamp
, wetland=bog
as individual natural
values. Added some more unnamed values (e.g. swamp
) to the
display code on vector.
Change the road name spacing on roads still being built to match normal ones. Display housenumbers not associated with buildings. Display address Interpolation lines.
Move place=farm
and place=isolated_dwelling
to vector zoom 14 from 13. Moved highway=residential
zoom 10 to 11. Added an “OSM” button to the top of the screen to show
the current map view at
are shown as pink dots with
the ref
Draw embankment casings (via levee
) after other casings.
Show embankments on roads (via bridge=levee
) on
, unclassified
, living_street
and pedestrian
. Show embankments on a
variety of paths, steps and tracks (via bridge=levee
Where LDPs in England and Wales are operated by National Trails and have
a ref
value, display a black and white shield with that
on it.
At zoom 12, make unclassified and service roads slightly more
visible. Made bridleways, restricted byways, and byways open to all
traffic more visible at all zoom levels - made the width and dasharray
settings closer to raster. The bridge
value is now a string
not a boolean, containing yes
, levee
or blank.
Show embankments on roads (via bridge=levee
) on
, primary
, secondary
Made the shingle and tidal shingle patterns sharper.
Only show car park names from zoom level 15, despite icons being
shown earlier. Add a scale control to the example index html. Add scale
control at bottom-left. Made the vineyard pattern icon larger, with
sharper and smaller bunches of grapes. Made the beach and tidal beach
patterns sharper. Display highway=turning_circle
name) from zoom 15. We don’t know what sort of road it is attached to,
but draw it at about the right size for a residential road. Made the mud
and tidal mud patterns sharper. Made the rock and tidal rock, and tidal
sand, patterns sharper. Made the scree and tidal scree patterns
Move the drawing of all road tunnels before all road non-tunnels. Shields and names are still shown afterwards. Removed “allow image overlap” from regular parking, which is shown at a fairly low zoom. Ensure other “overlap” layers have that word in the name
Moved the landuse=historic
background to before the
layer because there’s at least one
example that overlaps the sea, and probably shouldn’t. Move the display
of large historic
features (battlefield
, castle
, monastery
) to
vector zoom 14. They’ll often get obscrured by other names and icons, so
this often won’t happen. Changed text-max-width
in some
potentially longer text to 28. Display the name for
at the centroid only. Display
and industrialbuilding
from 17
rather than 16, based on way_area
. Handle route relation
membership for other node tags, including artworks and NCN mileposts.
Interpret parking_space
as another reason to display a
lighter colour parking symbol.
For informationmarker
, also display
, containing the refs of all cycling
relations that node is a member of. Move the
layer above the
etc. layers, and ensure that the
etc. layers are above
bridges and linear and area water features. Move the farmland and
farmgrass fills (land2 and land1) before industrial (land1 and land2) so
that small rural industrial features display OK. Moved
and changed the power colour to
something less like building
and closer to
, but still different to those two. Move the
display of various tidal features so that they display over
Moved military hatching display to after grass landuse display. Only
display aerodrome
icons on the written centroid. Show an
fill for plant nurseries. Show the names of ferry
routes. For informationmarker
, display the
containing the names of all walking and
horse relations that the node is a member of, in purple if walking only;
in red if one or more is horse.
Display place=island
from zoom 4 upwards, based on the
Display linear waterway=lock_gate
, waterway=waterfall
, and waterway=floating_barrier
from linearbarrier
and point and (multi)polygon ones from
. Showing car parking from vector zoom 12. Only show
from 13. Display
for intermittent wetland
Display the name for various wood features at the centroid only.
Display the name for deserts at the centroid only. Display the name for
at the centroid only (sometimes used
on shooting grounds in error). Display linear slipways from
in transportation
. Display the
name for vineyards, orchards and pedestrian ways at the centroid only.
Display the name for breweries and nonspecific offices at the centroid
only. Handle breakwaters as per groynes.
Display an icon along with the name for aerodrome
. Show private parking (bicycle, motorcycle)
with lower opacity. Show area grass runways as green. Show names of
various area aeroway features from zoom 15 in dark grey. Display the
icons and names of hospitals at the centroid only. Display the name for
more tourism features at the centroid only. Display the name for
at the centroid only. Display
fill with a relatively low maxzoom.
Display the name at the centroid for various power features. Display
marine water-based power stations (wave power etc.) as just an outline,
unlike regular “industrial” power stations. Handle differently-sized
in the same way as
Moved tourism=theme_park
to the list of objects for
which object names are written separately for the centroid. Allow
and natural=climbing
icons to
overlap. Display access land with a fill from zoom 6 and an outline from
zoom 13. Display the names of marinas and harbours at centroid only.
Display the names of most shops at centroid only.
Show private car parking with lower opacity.
Change the “raster” button on the vector map so that it browses the raster map at the location that the vector map was showing. Don’t show the dashes around nature reserves at low zooms; do show a green fill like national parks. Change the “eduhospital” outline minzoom to vector zoom 12; it was too heavy at zoom 11. Change the minzoom of the area fill for golf greens from 9 to 11. Reduce the opacity of trees slightly. Allow icon overlap on some parking features. Allow overlap of icons and text in the debug layer svwd04. Draw nicer rail bridges for rail, disused, funicular, tram, light_rail, subway. Made text optional for nonspecific leisure. Car parks have a point written out at the centroid. Only dislay the icon there, not in the middle or the polygon. Similiarly for hotels and motels and camp and caravan sites.
Display building=bridge_area
(from OSM tag
) before roads but
later (as before) so that roofs are over
roads and bridges are under them.
Allow railway and bus station icons to overlap, to avoid icon being
suppressed in some cases. Show preserved railways at low zoom from 8.
Show elevation on hills. Change the cemetery and quarry fill patterns to
be crisper 32x32 patterns not upscaled 16x16 or 18x18 ones. Manually
make one of the flowers in the meadowwildflower pattern more obvious.
Handle intermittent drains and ditches sent through as
and intditch
. Bridges and tunnels are
handled as per non-intermittent (a bridge is still a bridge, and a
tunnel is still a tunnel). Other ways are drawn with an appropriate
width dashed line.
Added icon and name for point fords. Show elevation on peaks etc.
Allow icon overlap for trees, bus stops and barriers such as gates and styles. Allow icon overlap for pubs at zooms above 15. Show some “nice” pubs (with no icon overlap) at vector zoom 14. Increase the text size for water areas at high zoom. Reduced the size of the font on long distance paths (the names are sometimes excessively long). Added geolocate control to default map.
Use larger icons for trees and scale it; also scale the shrub and mini_roundabout icons. Show residential, commercial and school etc. area names at lower zoom levels based on size. Show bus stops with a small icon at zoom 15. Show building outlines from zoom 15. Reduce the spacing of names on linear barriers at higher zooms. Show names on linear fences and hedges, and on area hedges. Show dam areas with a name at the centroid, at a zoom level that depends on size.
Show nature_reserves etc. at lower zooms based on zoom level. Show
motorways, trunks, primaries and secondaries smaller at lower zoom
levels. Show trees (and the labels for trees) over the top of hedges.
Show names for very large nature reserves at zoom level 6. Change the
non-roof building fill-opacity to 0.9, so that (for example) railway
lines inside a railway station can be seen. Added buildings to the
svwd04 debug style. Change path, footway and bridleway etc. tunnels,
bridges and steps to be less wide at very high zoom levels. Make the
allotments icon sharper and have more stripes. Scale
and power=pole
icons along with
the power=line
that they are part of. Show point barriers
on top of hedges etc., and scale point barrier icons sensibly. Use
larger icons for playground furniture and benches and scale them. Scale
the “amenity brown” icons at high zoom levels.
Show low-zoom railway=rail
and also bus guideways at
zooms 8-11. Show railway=water_crane
with a unique icon. Show railway turntables as
circular polygons with a name. Make the blue used for railway station
names and other travel features a bit more obvious.
Show more landuse names earlier based on way_area
including grass and allotments. Show tourism=attraction
different zoom levels based on way_area
. Only show the
dashed outline of national parks from zoom 9. Make railways more obvious
at zooms 12, 13 and 14
Added an icon for dog parks (some are unnamed). Display
names from the land1
layer. Change name of shop=optician
from shop purple to
health pink. Show names of universities, schools, etc. Use a longer
symbol-spacing at higher zooms for path and LDP labels. Don’t display
long fords on highway
values between path
as barriers but do display them with a blue
proportionately-sized underlay. Use a longer symbol-spacing at higher
zooms for linear waterway labels. Write out
names at the centroid only. Show some
landuse names earlier based on way_area
, including
and cemeteries.
Fixed typo that prevented historic_runestone
from being
shown. Corrected missing shop_toys
Fixed typo in leisure_sports_centre
which was causing
the green fill not to appear. Write out national park names at the
centroid only, in green. Add code to debug style to display land1 and
land2 polygon extents as a dashed line.
Tone the access=destination
overlay down on narrow
highways. Made highway shields and name repeat less frequently at higher
zoom. Change draw order so that primary fill is over trunk casing when
they meet. Changed line-cap on footways etc. to make the dashes closer
together at higher zoom. Added buttons at the top of the svwd01 index
page to access other resources. Moved “raster” button to the right so
that the vector “about” is “the obvious one to press” on the left.
Changed maxZoom on default svwd01 and svwd04 vector maps from the
default of 22 to 25.
Show locked linear gates in a similar way to unlocked ones. Show linear lift gates in the same way. Show pipelines at vector zoom 14. Improved the svwd04 debug style to show unnamed point and area objects.
Show the names for various larger park and garden features at lower zooms than smaller ones. Added man_made=milk_churn_stand as a separate icon.
Change the display of bigprompeak, bigpeak and peak symbols and names
to match raster. Moved the display from tourism=zoo
zoom 9 to 14. Moved the display of retail area names from 9 to 14. Moved
the display of tourism=attraction
names from 12 to 13. Show
the names for larger landuse=industrial
areas at lower
zooms than smaller ones. Show the names for various larger beach and
sand features at lower zooms than smaller ones.
Reduced the number of road shields shown. Change “text-offset”, and
“text-size” stops for “label-path-bottom-12” to make it look smaller
when it appears. Added aeroway=aerodrome
in “land2” to the
list of “larger landuse” that gets separate centroid object displayed
with the name. Show the names for larger natural=water
areas at lower zooms than smaller ones.
Added display of names for things processed to
to “land1-park-name-15” (accidental
oversight). Moved the display if natural=intermittentwater
from land2 to land1, to ensure that name appears.
is still in land2, and no name is
displayed for it (often a land1 feature for the same object will exist).
Display names on centroids of larger landuse only, to work around .
Initial release.