schema changelog

Changes made to the SVE01 schema.

See also the changelog for the scripts here.


Mud, scree, heath, scrub etc. are now extracted at a wider range of zoom levels, Removed shop=loan_shark. No longer in the data. Removed crossing=light_controlled. No longer in the data. Removed landmark=windsock. No longer in the data. Added shop=e-cigarette;convenience as a synonym for e-cigarette, and various other similar synonyms.


Parks etc. are now extracted at a range of zoom levels also based on way_area. Lots of power infrastructure is now extracted at a range of zoom levels also based on way_area.

09/03/2025 AM

Historic now extracted at a range of zoom levels also based on way_area. Education and hospitals in the land1 layer are now extracted at a range of zoom levels between 8 and 14, with names extracted between 10 and 14. Also retail, construction, brownfield, landfill, orchard, vineyard.


Farmland, farmgrass, farmyard, forest, grass, meadow and residential in the land1 layer (which is most of it) is now extracted at a range of zoom levels between 8 and 14, with names extracted between 10 and 14. Reduced the threshold for military extraction at zoom 9.


Moved “water area size extract at zoom” logic from “svwd01” style to the “sve01” extract code and adjusted zoom levels to make zoom 8 and 9 tiles smaller. Also industrial, commercial and railway landuse, and various sand. Small military areas are no longer all extracted at vector zoom 6 with names shown from 11+. The range is now 7-14 for both. Woodland in the land1 layer (which is most of it) is now extracted at a range of zoom levels between 8 and 14, with names extracted between 10 and 14.


Moved “island size extract at zoom” logic from “svwd01” style to the “sve01” extract code for zooms between 6 and 13. Higher zoom levels are extracted at zoom level 14, and the decision to display is in the style .json. Also similarly handled the extract for landuse=recreation_ground, landuse=conservation, landuse=village_grean and leisure=nature_reseerve.


Extract linear man_made=crane as railway=miniature. Treat greenfield as farmgrass rather than construction.


Extract place=sea at zoom level 8. Extract node and polygon man_made=crane. Removed information=noticeboard, no longer in the data.


Fixed bugs that were suppressing the display of palaeolontological sites. Fixed bugs that were suppressing the display of eco health food shops. ford=Tidal_Causeway has been renamed to the more normal ford=tidal_causeway. Handle police=checkpoint as other checkpoints. Added police=offices as other government offices. Also police=car_pound, police=detention, police=range, police=training_area, police=traffic_police, police=storage, police=dog_unit, police=horse.


Added amenity=lost_property and amenity=lost_property_office as offices. Extract ref along with various tourism tags including informationpnfs. Extract highway=busway as highway=bus_guideway rather than service.


Extract wetland=swamp, wetland=bog and wetland=string_bog to be passed through as individual natural values. Added some more values (e.g. swamp) to the unnamed extract code.


Extract housenumbers not attached to buildings. Extract address interpolation lines.


Added whitewater=put_in_out as a variety of waterway access point. Extract emergency=access_point and highway=emergency_access_point as amenity=emergency_access_point with name as ref.


Show more unclassified surface values as unpaved. Don’t show bridge=low_water_crossing on a waterway as a bridge. If a waterway is allegedly both a bridge and a tunnel, assume it is not really a bridge. Also extract the operator value for LDPs. Where a NWN does have a known operator and doesn’t have a ref, have a go at constructing a ref.


The bridge value is now a string not a boolean, containing yes, levee or blank.


Fixed a bug in the tertiary / passing place logic


Removed natural=col from taginfo and shared code, no longer in the data. Added "high_resolution": true it increase resolution of z14 tiles, as suggested by Extract highway=turning_circle from zoom 12. If a tertiary road has passing_places and isn’t oneway, junction, doesn’t have “lanes” or any width set, assume that it’s narrow.


Handle industrialbuilding as per industrial; write out name and way_area at centroid. Handle route relation membership for other node tags, including artworks and NCN mileposts. Special-case some “sensibly named and important” LCNs, both for relation display and relation membershop display. Unfortunately many LCNs are just wishlists and can’t be included more generally. Use ref on IWNs when appending to a relation list. Use name on LCNs when appending to a relation list. Exclude empty names/refs when creating a list of relations. Also extract parking_space, because the vector code now interprets that directly.


Also create ncnrelationlist, containing the refs of all cycling relations that node is a member of.


(via shared lua) Extract an orchard landuse for plant nurseries, so that an orchard fill can be displayed. For informationmarker and informationroutemarker, where a guidepost is a marker of a walking or horse route relation, create an nwnrelationlist containing the names all relations that the node is a member of. Also set a nhnrelatation_in_list flag if one of the relations is a horse relation.


Extract place=island from zoom 4 upwards, based on the way_area, up to 14.


After moving the sluice gate / waterfall / weir / floating barrier consolidation from the shared lua to the raster-only code, the vector code was modified to extract linear waterway=lock_gate, waterway=sluice_gate, waterway=waterfall, waterway=weir, and waterway=floating_barrier to linearbarrier and point and (multi)polygon ones to land1. Extract natural=intermittentwetland for intermittent wetland areas.


Extract both the name (on a centroid) and area for more wood features. Extract both the name (on a centroid) and area for deserts. Extract both the name (on a centroid) and area for military barracks. Support a couple more synynyms for civilian shooting ranges. Extract both the name (on a centroid) and area for leisure=hunting_stand (sometimes used on shooting grounds in error). Extract linear slipways into transportation as leisure=slipway. Extract both the name (on a centroid) and area for orchards, vineyards and pedestrian areas. Extract both the name (on a centroid) and area for breweries and nonspecific offices. Handle breakwaters as per groynes.


Fixed bug whereby some area aeroways were also handled as circular linear ones. Extract both the name (on a centroid) and area for various area aeroway features. Extract both the name (on a centroid) and area for more tourism features. Extract both the name (on a centroid) and area for more amenity=ferry_terminal. If a barrier is a closed way, suppress the name - the name probably belongs to an area that the barrier shares nodes with. Extract both the name (on a centroid) and area for various power features. Detect marine water-based power stations (wave power etc.) and exclude from regular “industrial” power stations. Handle differently-sized natural=bay in the same way as natural=water.


Ensure that tourist accommodation in historic watermills and windmills is correctly shown as tourist accommodation. If a watermill or windmill is a museum or a historic building, assume that it is also a historic mill. Use tower in addition to tower:type to classify various towers. Moved tourism=theme_park to the list of objects for which object names are written separately for the centroid. Updated README to improve formatting only. Added outlet to the list of keys that are processed. Extract buildings from vector zoom 11, which matches raster zoom 12. Only write polygons for historic features that are actually polygons. Extract closed areas of access land as boundary=access_land from zoom 6. Fixed a bug whereby unsigned relations could escape into the vector tiles. Extract names of marinas and harbours at centroid only. Don’t create buildings for more building objects where the value implies “not a building” (such as “no”). Extract names of most shops at centroid only.


Tidy access values for various parking objects in lua to either “yes” or “no”. Consolidated centroid processing (no functional change). Added more detail to README. Use driveway (designed to be less prominent than a regular service road) for parking_aisle and drive-though as well as driveway. Export boundary=administative together with the name and admin_level. Changed the place layer export to use nodes only. Fixed a bug whereby some electricity-only amenity=fuel were being extracted as fuel rather than chargng stations.


Some amenities (bicycle_rental etc.) are extracted with an access value as well. Detect tower:type=ventilation as a ventilation shaft. Extract names of some features (parking areas etc.) at centroid only.


Added “disused:amenity” and “was:amenity” to node keys so that these are processed into e.g. closed pubs. Most generic lua processing is now shared between raster and vector. Send man_made=bridge through to the rendering code as building=bridge_area to allow the vector code to display it better (no display change in raster).


If an aeroway=taxiway has not been explicitly declared as an area, assume it is linear. Handle intermittent drains and ditches, sending them through as intdrain and intditch respectively.


Extract highway=ford for point fords. Changed the minzoom on highway=motorway_junction extraction to 10.


Extract dam area features as explicit area features (waterway=damarea) with a name at the centroid, which also has the feature way_area.


Extract way_area for nature_reserves etc. Check that national parks are closed before extracting them into land2.


Extract railways from zoom 6. Extract railway=phone as emergency=phone. Extract railway=wash as a roof if not a building already. Extract railway=water_crane as historic=water_crane. Extract railway=crane (which are all linear) as miniature railways in their own right. Extract a couple more historic railway features as “nonspecific”. Extract railway turntables as circular polygons with a name.


Extract some natural feature names as centroids. Extract way_area for tourism=attraction.


Extract dog parks into land1 so that they can be displayed separately (some are unnamed). Extract highway=motorway_junction into land1 with name and ref at zoom 14. Extract university, school names etc. at the centroid. Don’t extract barrier=ford on ways with highway set - they will be extracted as highways. Some ventilation shafts with unusual tagging were missing; these have now been included. Extract landuse=military names at the centroid, along with the polygon way_area.


Removed surface=mud, sand and surface=sand, mud, no longer in the data.


Fix bug where the names of some regional cycleways were missing. Treat government=customs as a government office. If a tourism=attraction is also a highway, show as highway. Write out boundary relations and call lua processing in the same way as routes. Write out national park names at the centroid only


Extract locked linear gates in a similar way to unlocked ones. Extract linear lift gates in the same way. Fixed bug where some former amenities were missing from former pub logic. Added extract of pipelines at vector zoom 14. Show more utility aerial pipeline markers. Added office=office to the list of “nonspecific offices” that are handled. Use more verge tags to detect verges. Use theatre:type to detect concert halls. Use sport to detect bowling alleys and places for skiing that are not tagged as that but are not tagged as anything else. Added shop=window_construction as a synonym for craft=window_construction. Added shop=veterinary as a synonym for amenity=veterinary. Added shop=key_cutter as a synonym for craft=key_cutter. Added shop=financial_advice as a synonym for amenity=financial_advice. Added shop=financial_advisor as a synonym for office=financial_advisor. Added shop=carpenter as a synonym for craft=carpenter. Added shop=dressmaker as a synonym for craft=dressmaker.


Extract the way_area for various park and garden features so that a map style can display the names of larger ones at lower zooms than smaller ones. Extract man_made=milk_churn_stand objects.


Set minzoom for “natural=water” to 5-8 based on way_area. Set minzoom for “leisure=nature_reserve” to 6-9 based on way_area. If something is both a “natural=peak” and a “man_made=survey_point”, display as the former. Moved the extraction from “tourism=zoo” from zoom 9 to 14. Extract the way_area for lots of “landuse” areas so that a map style can display the names of larger ones at lower zooms than smaller ones. Extract the way_area for various beach and sand features so that a map style can display the names of larger ones at lower zooms than smaller ones.


Added “aeroway=aerodrome” in “land2” to the list of “larger landuse” that gets separate centroid object extracted with the name. Extract the way_area for “natural=water” areas so that a map style can display the names of larger ones at lower zooms than smaller ones.


Moved the extraction of natural=intermittentwater from land2 to land1, to ensure that name appears. “natural=flood_prone” is still in land2; a name is extracted for it but will likely be ignored as often a land1 feature for the same object will exist. For some larger landuse, show the name via one object at the centroid rather than distributed in each polygon tile. Extract names on centroids of larger landuse only, to work around .


Initial release.